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如何在Linux RedHat 下启动多个许可

本文以同时启动Geoframe4.5和Eclipse 2012许可为例,讲述如何在RedHat系统启动多个许可文件。软件配置如下:

操作系统:RedHat Linux 5 (64 bit)

软件信息:Geoframe 4.5/Eclipse 2012

由于Geoframe4.5安装时,在 /etc/ 下编辑了脚本文件,当电脑启动时,系统已经启动了许可,进入Geoframe4.5的 /flexlm/bin/,通过 ./lmstat -a,即可查看到Geoframe4.5的许可证数量及使用情况。

在Geoframe4.5许可启动的情况下,到Geoframe4.5的 /flexlm/bin/(或者Eclipse下@flexstart @lmstat –a,又或者 /flexlm118下 ./lmgrd -c ./eclipse.lic -l eclipse.log),则命令行报错:

FLEXnet Licensing version v11.6.0.0 build 60117 amd64_re3

Cannot open lock file. errno=11 (/var/tmp/lockslbsls): Resource temporarily unavailable

EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 41 Exit reason 9

slbsls exited with status 41 (Exited because another server was running)

MULTIPLE "slbsls" license server systems running.

Please kill, and run lmreread

This error probably results from either:

1. Another copy of the license server manager (lmgrd) is running

2. A prior license server manager (lmgrd) was killed with "kill -9"

(which would leave the vendor daemon running).

To correct this, do a "ps -ax | grep slbfd"

(or equivalent "ps" command)

and kill the "slbsls" process.


1. 用脚本启动的Geoframe4.5许可进程,建议用脚本停止许可服务而非直接kill进程。如果直接kill进程,当 ./lmgrd -c /flexlm/licenses/geoframe.lic –l geoframe.log时,命令行会报多个Slbsls运行的提示。

到/etc/下的启动项设置的文件(如rc.d)下,找到开机启动Geoframe4.5的脚本文件(如Geframeflexlm),然后 ./Geframeflexlm stop

2. 到Geframe4.5的/flexlm/bin下 ./lmstat -a,

Lmstat – Copyright(c) 1989-2008 Acresso Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Flexible License Manager status on Fri 8/24/2012 10:00

Error getting status: Cannot find License file.(-1,359:2 “no such file or directory”

用Ps -ef | grep lmgrd查看进程。

Gfuser 6887 4557 0 10:00 pts/1 00:00:00 grep lmgrd

3. 将Geoframe4.5和Eclipse2012许可文件放在同一文件夹下(如/flexlm/licenses/),且均命名为******.lic,修改两个许可证文件的端口号,使之相同(并确保系统下该端口没被占用)。如果许可证文件的端口不一,命令行会报错:

ERROR: license files have confilicting port numbers

27000 and 1700

Please edit the license files so the port numbers on the SERVER line are identical

License files include: ../licenses/eclipse.lic ../licenses/geoframe.lic


The TCP port number in the license,1700,is already in use.

Posible causes:

1)The license server manager(lmgrd)is already running for this licenses.

2)The OS has not “cleared” this port since lmgrd died.

3)Another process is using this port number(unlikely).


1)Make sure lmgrd and all vendor daemons for this license are not running.

2)you may have to wait for the OS to clear this port.

Retrying for about 5 more minutes

Stilling trying……

Stilling trying……

Stilling trying……

Stilling trying……

Stilling trying……

Stilling trying……

Failed to open the TCP port number in the license.

./lmgrd -c /flexlm/licenses/ -2 -p -l 2licneses.log

Ps -ef|grep lmgrd查看进程,

Gfuser 7097 1 0 10:10 pts/1 00:00:00 ./lmgrd –c ../lic

Gfuser 7098 7097 32 10:10 ? 00:00:06 slbsls –T localhost 11.6.3 –c ../lic --lmgrd_start 5036e38b

Gfuser 7105 4557 0 10:10 pts/1 00:00:00 grep lmgrd

./lmstat –a,即可看到许可证数量及使用情况。

Flexible License Manager status on Fri 8/24/2012 10:12

License server status:1700:localhost

Licenses file(s) on localhost : /home/flexlm/bin/../licenses /eclipse.lic: /home/flexlm/bin/../licenses/geoframe.lic

Localhost:license server UP(MASTER) v11.6

Vendor daemon status(on localhost):

Slbsls: UP v11.6

Feature usage info:

Users of cbm_template:(Total of 5 licenses issued: Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of co2_eor_storage:(Total of 5 licenses issued: Total of 0 licenses in use)


Users of gf_wellcomposite_plus:(Total of 5 licenses issued: Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of gf_modeling_geoarchive:(Total of 5 licenses issued: Total of 0 licenses in use)



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